Thursday, December 8, 2011

bill viola

Bill viola is among the newest wave of artistic expression. This new wave of which I speak utilizes modern electronics to add an extra layer of depth to their work. With modern recording technologies this group of artist has intertwined traditional performance art and still art, such as paintings. In still art after a work is complete its artistic expression is complete and will not be changed, given that it is properly maintained. Performance art on the other hand does not have this immutable quality, for though the overall script may be the same individual performances can vary widely. This can be intentional or unintentional, but in any case how close can a modern production of hamlet be to one actually overseen by the great bard himself? However with video art you can have the same depth of motion as with traditional performance art without giving up the consistency of the artistic vision.

Bill viola piece “An Ocean without a Shore” is a black and white video of several people walking through a thin water sheet or “skin” in slow-motion. The skin is brightly lit and the people are shown on at a time. The end effect is an ephemeral silhouette that almost resembles smoke that floats down. It’s interesting that much of his work is said to deal with issues of the duality of life and death. It would seem that walking towards the camera is being born or perhaps waking up. If this is the case then it must also mean that walking through the skin the other way is death or the loss of copiousness. Therefore it is interesting the second person walks with his back to the camera, the water splashing off his back resembles angels wings.

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